Monday, February 27, 2012

Long time, no write

It seems like it has been forever since I have blogged! Things have been super busy around here. I have been working hard to keep on top of K's homework and my housework (which is usually the first thing to go). We have been trying to stay busy as a family on the weekends with lots of bike rides, playing ball, movie nights, and trips to Auburn basketball games. The weekends are really the only times we have that all of us are here together....usually. This weekend, we had to split up since K had softball try outs and E had a dance recital at the exact same time. But it is all good, even if it is super tiring!

K did well on her try outs and we should start practice and games soon. She has been working really hard and has improved so much since last year. She really seems to enjoy playing, though she is worried about this year because she doesn't think she will know anyone on her team.

E's winter show was really just a sneak peak before the May recital. Her group did their jazz dance in full costume and did pretty good. E didn't smile a single bit until she was sitting on the side and found me in the crowd. I asked her that night what was her favorite thing she did that day and she said dancing at the show! For a mom who danced for 13 years, I am so extremely excited to have at least one of my girls love dance! Yay!

Tonight, K had a Brownie meeting. I found out she has sold a great number of Girl Scout Cookies so she should get a badge and maybe a prize or two. Also, I found out she will be the caller in the flag ceremony for a Girl Scout luncheon in March. I am so proud of her! I think this means she will be giving instructions to the color guard and the audience as the flag is brought in and as the pledge is said. She is so excited, which makes me pretty excited! This is her first year in Girl Scouts and she is really enjoying it. :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Groovy Sewing

My girls inherited several Groovy Girl dolls from some friends a few years back and enjoy brining them out every now and then and playing together.  The only problem is the girls are a little short on clothes. K has most of the outfits but there are still not enough.  Needless to say there are way too many naked dolls around their rooms. 

I found some easy patterns from to make an A line skirt and a strappy top. I modified the pattern slightly just for time.  I used a zig zag stitch on all the edges since I don't plan to wash these clothes and I didn't sew down the velcro.  

My girls are really excited about the first outfit I made tonight. I hope to make some more sets out of my scrap fabrics in the coming weeks.  Total project took probably 30-45 minutes for both the top and skirt, and that included searching for the supplies.

Thanks to for the tutorials:
Free Pattern Strappy Top for a Groovy Girl
Free Pattern A Line Skirt for a Groovy Girl